8101 Hempstead Road (I-10 at Washington) - Houston, Texas 77008
Why You Need a Specialist. (2/16/22)

Why You Need a Specialist. (2/16/22)

You own one of the most distinctive production cars in the world. You own it for a reason. You made the conscious decision to buy it. Your buy decision’ made a personal statement or fulfilled a lifetime desire to own one. You did not buy it because it was an...
Install My Parts (11/03/21)

Install My Parts (11/03/21)

The Request “I have found the parts you have told me that I need. I found them on line. They are much cheaper than what you quoted. Will you install them for me for just the labor you quoted ? “ From the Shop Perspective Consider that the shop to which you take your...
South East Texas Repair Shop Tour (7/27/20)

South East Texas Repair Shop Tour (7/27/20)

The South East Texas Car Repair Shop Tour or, How to Go Into Debt Making Poor Decisions Here is a story about something that we see and experience far too often… We hear from a lot of new customers who either call or bring their cars in…. who have been on...
CV-19 at Motorcars – a Perspective (7/09/20)

CV-19 at Motorcars – a Perspective (7/09/20)

CV-19 is not a political event. It is a health event. Please do not be confused. CV-19 is happening. The political spectrum has their opinion as to what is “really happening”. . the left and the right are galactically rabid and opinionated in their own...
Motorcars LTD is Open (4/13/20)

Motorcars LTD is Open (4/13/20)

Motorcars In these dark times everyone is looking for something to feel good about…. We live on a blue sphere careening through space. It is a dangerous, unforgiving and random place to live. We actually have no rights. We have no guarantees…. mostly, we endure things...