8101 Hempstead Road (I-10 at Washington) - Houston, Texas 77008

We need your help, and ‘Yes!!’ we are still open.

As all of our regular customers are aware, Motorcars has spent the past 8 years engaged in one disagreement after another with TxDot. The discussions concern the “TxDot construction project” and any sense of respect for our property rights at our building at 8101 Hempstead Road, Houston, Texas.

Just as we thought this could not get any worse….

TxDot has now CLOSED access to our building from Hempstead Road… INDEFINITELY.


TxDot has offered a grossly inadequate and circuitous alternate entrance 200 yards to the south of our business on OLD KATY ROAD…. Including a high-speed right turn onto a temporary road, round and round, through the front of the TxDot parking lot for 150 yards, and finally into our loading dock… where we are expected to receive our customers… yes, on the loading dock.

At Motorcars’ expense, we set up a sign on Old Katy Road indicating the now needed right turn from Old Katy Road.…. More signs direct traffic from in front of our building to go back under the underpass, to the U Turn, over the over pass, and finally a right turn (headed toward the Motorcars building) from Old Katy Road.

Essentially TxDot has land locked our building by abandoning the “construction project” (which was to be completed in 2022) in order to “re-engineer” sanitation lines. But note: the forms are made, the re-bar is laid, and the road is inaccessible… But TxDot and TxDot contractors have removed all of their equipment….. and no work has been performed to unblock our access for 30 days… All for TxDot to re-engineer an eight-year-in-the-planning project.

  • We need our customers to call our front office for directions before heading to Motorcars.
  • We need our customers to try to understand the map of the construction site included at this link and how to best traverse this travesty….
  • We need to keep you as informed as possible.

We need our customers to understand the mindless and irresponsible work performed by TxDot in front of our building and the profound damage that TxDot exacts on our business and the small businesses just like ours all over Texas….

It is inconceivable that we have an agency with the power to destroy with impunity while possessing a mandate to “build for the greater good” …. It is unbelievable…. It is disgraceful.

Wires & More Wires

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